Sunday, December 18, 2011

Recursion Puzzles

String puzzles. Some of them are too easy; some of them are too hard. But they are all about strings.

There are solutions.

  1. Given a string, get the character at position 3.
  2. Print all characters one at a time.
  3. Print out a String.
  4. Remove the character at position 3.
  5. Count the letter 'i'.
  6. Remove the letter 'i' the first place it appears
  7. Remove all of the letter 'i'
  8. Convert a string to lowercase
  9. See which string comes alphabetically first
  10. See if a string contains all 26 letters
  11. Reverse a string
  12. Find a_b where _ is any letter
  13. Count the number of vowels

String Puzzles

Recursion puzzles. There are solutions.

Also if you like math-related puzzles Project Euler has some good ones.

  1. Print out every letter in a string, one on each line, using recursion.

  2. Calculate 1 + 2 + ... + N using recursion.

  3. Calculate 1 * 2 * ... * N using recursion

  4. Calculate 1/1² + 1/2² + ... + 1/N² (≈ π²/6) using recursion.

  5. Calculate 1 / 2 / ... / N using recursion.

  6. Calculate 1/1! + 1/2! + ... + 1/N! using recursion.

  7. Make a string of N 'x's using recursion.

  8. Make a string of N 'a's followed by N 'b's using recursion.

  9. Perform an n-place rotation of a string using recursion.

    That is, "abcdef" rotated | 0 is "abcdef" | 1 is "bcdefa" | 2 is "cdefab" | 3 is "defabc" | etc

  10. Interleave (like riffle-shuffling a deck) two strings, using recursion:

    interleave("ABCD", "abcd") = "AaBbCcDd"
The two strings will be the same length.
  1. Interleave two strings, like the last one, except the two strings might not be the same length:

    interleave("aaaaa", "bb") = "ababaaa"
  2. Find sin(sin(sin(...sin(x)))) (N times) using recursion.

  3. Find out how many times you have to divide a number by 2 until it becomes 0, using recursion.

    So for example:

    4 / 2 / 2 / 2 = 0   3 times
    20 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 = 0   5 times
  4. Find how many steps it takes the 3n+1 sequence to reach 1, using recursion:

    n[k+1] = 3*n + 1   if n is odd
             n/2       if n is even
  5. Strip out all of the letter 'a' in a string, using recursion.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Code from the review session

Rounding (#3)

Reversing a string with recursion (#4)

Spiral (#5)

The HotelRoom class (#12)

Polygons (#13)

For these you need Andrew's Point class, which is in the zip file on Sakai. (Resources -> Practice Problems).

Good luck everyone!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


So first, here's the program whose stack runneth over:

Then we added a counter so we could see how far down the rabbit hole goes:

And then limited it so that it wouldn't overflow anymore:

(Of course in recitation these were all named

And then here's a drawing thingy:

Which uses

And then here's the one that draws the Sierpinski triangle:

(Oh yeah and check out this comic. The author says he thought of it while trying to write a program to draw a Sierpinski triangle and he kept getting a StackOverflowError. WHAT WAS HE DOING WRONG?)

There will be no recitation Thanskgiving week. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and I will see you in two weeks.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Here we insert an insertion sort of sorts, sort of

Insertion sort

Here's the version that prints out the stages that the program goes through:

I count the letters in the words...

This program, sadly, will not handle åccénts or l33t h4><0r sp34k, but I was delighted to see that it *can* handle letters with v⃗ector a⃗rrows over them!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Adjust your font size accordingly. (This also happens to be Wolfram's rule #18. Rule #18 of the internet is "Anything that can be labeled can be hated"). See you next week!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Arrays to the finish

Finding pairs

Constructed from memory... I hope it resembles what we did...

Reversing an array...

(Thank you for sending me these!!)

In place

As a copy

Some cellular automaton thing

That we didn't really finish... so don't worry about what it means :)

See you Tuesday!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Code from 10/18



So we didn't finish this one in recitation and on reflection it's really way too long... Here's a solution someone emailed me (sorry I forgot to ask you if you were OK with me sharing this if you mind I'll take it down) (also I reformatted a little) See you Tuesday!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Code from our exam review

Hi Everyone! Here's code we worked on on Tuesday (10/11). Here's the Nth Prime puzzle: Here's the 7s puzzle: Here's the highest-lowest puzzle: You're probably forgotten all about this by now, but here's that timing puzzle we did the week before. It doesn't quite work yet... but it's sooo close: And then there's that 3n+1 puzzle: Everyone, good luck on the exam!! I hope it goes wonderfully. If you have any questions or concerns or opinions or rants or hopes or dreams you can email me. Or if there's some code I forgot to put up here that you'd like to see. See you next week!